One may ask, "How did Krøyer paint himself rear-view eating breakfast?". Well ponder no longer!
Peder Severin Krøyer bought his first camera in 1885 and it came to play an important part in his work as artist. The origin of Hip, hip hurrah! was a photograph taken the same year in the garden of a married artist couple named Ancher, at Skagen, Denmark. The photograph is no simple snapshot but a careful arranging of the group in fixed poses. Around the table from the left we see Martha Johansen, followed by Viggo Johansen, Christian Krogh, Krøyer himself, Degn Brøndum, Michael Ancher, Oscar Björck, Thorvald Niss, Helene Christensen and Anna Ancher with her daughter Helga aged four.

'I have received the camera I told you about. I dare say you were surprised to hear that I wanted a camera. But the fact is that it is something most artists have nowadays, especially abroad, and which can be very useful for photographing objects, movements, or anything at all that remains stationary so briefly, or is seen so seldom, that it is difficult to get time to draw it.' ~ Krøyer in a letter to his family, 1885.
colour study |
Sommeraften ved Skagen Sønderstrand med Anna Ancher og Marie Krøyer |
P.S. Krøyers fotografier
Elisabeth Fabritius, Marianne Saabye
Marianne Saabye
Hirschsprungske samling, 1990
8798136941, 9788798136941
188 sider